Sunday, June 5, 2011

Camping at Chance Cove

Wow, I spend a lot of time making enthusiastic murmurs about Lego Star Wars. And I'm a bit tired right now. Sidney is sitting on the top bunk of a rather eccentric hostel back in St. John's.

It's been a fantastic few days. We rented a car and left St. John's - traveling the "Irish Loop" the south east of the island. It was predictably stunning and wonderful. We have learned a few things however.
1. We're out of practice of living on a budget. Our budget is about $120 a day. Which would have been the lap of luxury when I was traveling twenty years ago - but now we're finding that if we rent a hostel family room ($80), eat ($50), we're already way over - and that's before we've seen anything, had a beer, or traveled anywhere.  So we've found solutions - solutions that I'd nearly forgotten - sandwiches, and camping rough. The last two nights we stayed at Chance Cove - a bona fide Provincial Park. But one that, at least at this time of year, doesn't charge a cent. It was friggin gorgeous. We had a campsite in some trees, overlooking the Atlantic. And for the first night, we were the only campers there. There was an outhouse with toilet paper and everything. Sheer decadence. Fortunately, we've brainwashed Sidney for years so he actually enjoys camping. And so we had a good few days. During the day we visited the Avalon Colony archaelogical dig - fascinating.
 2. We've arrived between iceberg season and whale season, as it were. So today, we just saw fog. And vistas.  And some goslings. But that's another story.

So this hostel. Its a tad sketchy. I'll call it charming. We called to see if they had a room, and the fellow who answered didn't know, and told us to call John, at another number. We did, and he said, sure come on by. So we arrived at a crooked row house and John was having a brew at the kitchen table. He took our cash, gave us a key and headed out. Told us to call him on the cell if there was a problem. The floors are crooked, there is an 8 track stereo and I'm kind of convinced that we've just been booked into some kid's house, who's away for a few days. Regardless, its dry and Sid's happy. All good.

Okay, I'll get better at this. The photos are


  1. Great, another page to save. Youse guys are filling up my 'bookmarks' folder' real quick!

    Camping, with the temps they're still getting on the Rock? You must be freezing your butts! Doesn't look like my idea of June, that's for sure. It was sunny and 27 back in Toronto today! :)

  2. Now its foggy. Kind of spooky. But we're back camping tonight. xo

  3. Now you know why when I go camping I sleep in my van. It is also useful to carry a few luxuries such as propane gas, etc...Some of the campsites have showers facilities and the minimum amount they charge goes to the park. Alas my days of hitchhiking across Canada trying to reach Montreal to see my kids and putting up with -50 windchill when crossing the prairies in winter(you may not believe this but I always had trouble getting rides so ended up sleeping in many ditches)anyway those days are over! A van that is wind proof, a bucket seat that reclines back, a pillow and a comforter, (out of season means you do not have to pay any fees at park grounds so you can hang around and be the only ones (out west there are many poor people that take advantage of this free bountifulness). Your pictures are beautiful.I envy you. Hugs. Gian

  4. Terrific, I can just f e e l the wind and the freedom! cant see your pics yet. Lots of luv Dyane

  5. I love the photo of you at the cape, Lesley. We're following you as you make your way across!
