Thursday, August 4, 2011


Staying in Victoria is a bit like living in Dufferin Grove. We've been staying with Erica and her family, and Pete and his in their lovely Fernwood, Victoria house. Everyone we seem to meet here looks younger than they would in Toronto. They eat food they somehow created, grew or caught. The kids are all polite, creative and home schooled. They design things. People drink coffee. They seem to work when they want. They say hello when you walk down the street. An example: the other day, Sidney got hurt while we walking
across the street and was crying and a fellow stopped and offered us organic cherries he'd just picked from the Okanagan.

Stuff like that.

Of course, our buds Shane and Kim seem to be a bit more Toronto style in their living - working hard as harm reduction organizers with drug users in town.. But their relatively more frantic pace could have something to do with their time in Toronto. 

I'm not quite sure how everyone affords their lives here, but people also live pretty simply. They don't own much stuff and they've found their niche. And I don't think we're really seeing the lifestyle of everyone here...

I wonder what we'd be like if we lived here?

Now we're in a small cabin in Port McNeil with Shannon and Lucky who arrived yesterday. It belongs to a treeplanting buddy, who has been called away to do some work. So we sit around the wood stove, with the floor covered with Star Wars Lego, and Mac plays Stan Rogers songs on the guitar.

onwards onwards. Tomorrow we're going to go to an old Finnish communal community or some such thing, and maybe a Haida blockade... And then it will be the ferry to Haida Gwaii


  1. Catch your breath, close your eyes, slowly exhale.It is only a dream. G

  2. well put, John, but isn't the dream wonderful when you make it happen like you do, L, M and S! Sidney must be so happy to be with Lucky again. Have lots of fun. love D

  3. I was in Vancouver once (years ago!) but never made it to the Island. (Middle of winter and all that). The closest thing to a 'blockade' I encountered in the area was a large and immovable flock of bighorn sheep that took over the highway going through Rogers Pass.

    Funny you should mention Dufferin Grove - it seems to have become the hub of my social life these days, especially the Thursday Farmer's Market and the Friday dinners. Ate there again tonight and hung out with a gaggle of chums who were doing likewise.

    Sadly, this wonderful green space and community hub isn't immune to Ford's venom. Programming there is already beginning to suffer due to staffing cuts and the worst is yet to come.

    If you are still in town on Sept 10 there is to be a mass meeting in the park of the entire Stop The Cuts Network. (OCAP, NOII, and other groups have been organizing for several months in various Toronto 'hoods and this is to decide on the next steps). Saturday, Sept. 10, 1PM, Dufferin Grove Park.
