Monday, October 10, 2011

The family visit, and we go to Barcelona

We went on a hike near our town... and spotted all sorts of small spiny seedpods. Aliens or not? We're not sure.

We ate lots of amazing food that Mac made, and drank a goodly amount of local wine.

Mum and I shopped at Desigual, a Spanish place with terrific patterns.. And then we went to see flamenco dancers. Its all very cliche. But I'm embracing that.. 


  1. Comments on each pic, in order of appearance:

    1. Probably some kind of burr.
    (And one thing we have in common is it's been shorts weather in Toronto again these past few days!)

    2. Looks yummy!

    3. Wow, you two are colorful!!!

    I wish Blogspot allowed you to comment on individual photos like Facebook does - would make life so much easier!!!

  2. Say hello to my nephew in Barcelona, Marco Mura. He should be listed. Gian

  3. Colourful clashing of Colours Wowee! thats what sunshine and flamenco do to yah! d
